$57.00 USD

Disclaimer: The thoughts, opinions, and suggestions in this course are my own and for educational purposes only. No medical advice is suggested or given. Refer to your primary healthcare provider for questions or concerns. With the purchase of this course, you have agreed to the Baby Settler Terms & Conditions.

The Older Babies Made Simple Course - A Guide to Your 7+ Month Old Baby

4-6 Months Made Simple

Daytime sleep is crucial for a good night's sleep.

If you find yourself saying any of the following statements:

- "My baby won't sleep independently for more than 45 minutes."
- "I want to do contact naps, but I also want to encourage independent sleep for naps."
- "My baby just screams when I lay her down in her crib."

Then the 4-6 Months Made Simple course is here to help you. By enrolling in this course, you will gain access to valuable strategies and techniques that will address your concerns and support your baby's sleep development.

Here's what the course offers:

  1. Lengthen short naps: Learn effective methods to extend naps that are currently shorter than 30-45 minutes. Discover techniques that will help your baby get the restful sleep they need.
  2. Transition from contact naps to the crib: Understand how to smoothly transition your baby from contact naps, where they rely on close physical contact, to napping in their crib independently. This skill is essential for fostering healthy sleep habits.
  3. Establish a routine: Create a structured routine for naps, wake windows, and feedings. Having a consistent schedule will promote better sleep patterns and overall well-being for your baby.
  4.  Help your baby fall back to sleep in their own crib: Learn effective strategies to help your baby settle and fall back to sleep independently in their crib. This skill will provide them with the ability to self-soothe and sleep through the night.
  5.  Develop a plan for crying: Gain insight into how to handle crying episodes during the sleep training process. Learn about various methods that will allow you to support your baby while helping them develop healthier sleep habits.




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Given the nature of downloadable digital items, we do not offer refunds on purchases. If you are unhappy with your purchase, please let us know and we will do our best to make things right.


What People Are Saying:

I bought Hilary's course when my baby was 8 weeks old, and didn't follow it super well. My baby was only sleeping 2 maybe 3 hour stretches at night and would never nap longer than 20 minutes in the crib. After just 2 days of implementing the course at 11 weeks my baby slept 12 hours through the night, only waking twice to eat and never needing to be soothed. And continues to sleep 10-12 hours every night. I'm amazed to see how much it has helped and im so grateful.


I am SO thankful for this courses especially Babies Made Simpl!!! First time mama here and I literally would be lost without it. When ‘witching hour’ first started (around 3 weeks) we didn’t know what to do or what was wrong.. it was hours of just screaming crying... eventually he would end up falling asleep from exhaustion. I remember crying with him and every night and once the sun would start setting i would get so much anxiety thinking about what was to come. This course helped me so so much on what i could do to prevent it and what I can do if he’s overstimulated!! He is now 5 weeks today and the most crying that has been done around the end of the day has been maybe about 10-15 mins at most and it is mostly whining!!! 💙 & I no longer have anxiety once the sun starts setting!! 🙌🏼 We are also following the sleep schedule and although there’s no full sleep through the nights just yet.. I do get a 4 hour sleep every night!! Thank you sooo much for creating this andddd making the babies made simple BIBLE (manual) 🤣 I have screen shots saved in my favorites so I can easily refer back if I needed to!!


I really can’t give a high enough recommendation for Hillary’s Baby Settler courses! As a first-time mom, there’s so much I felt unprepared for and now feel like I can go into parenthood with a much better understanding of what is to come. I love that access to these courses lasts long enough that I’ll be able to jump back in and reference things as they come up in real time. The way the videos are organized into bite-sized topics will be so helpful when I need a quick refresher!
